Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governing Body is made up of people representing parents, staff, community and the Local Authority. Governors representing parents are elected by the parents and must themselves have a child at the school. Staff elect their governors and the Local Authority appoints those governors representing the Local Authority. Governors representing the community are co-opted by the elected and appointed Governors of the school.
The role of the Governors is to support the work of the school and ensure that it is properly managed. We have many legal responsibilities and to make sure that we carry these out we have several working groups. Their jobs are to oversee a particular area and they meet whenever necessary. The Governing Body has to meet at least once a term but in fact we meet much more often than this. The Head teacher is an ex officio member of the governing body.
Equality Statement
Imperial Governors are committed to our mission, which is to value and respect the uniqueness of each child and work together to achieve success, to the IMPERIAL values and to promoting equality through non-discriminatory practices.
Governors on our Board are representative of a range of lived experiences, which helps us to ensure that our policies and practices in school are inclusive.
Our board reflects diversity in gender, age, disability - including people with experience of parenting a child with special educational needs and medical conditions, ethnicity, religious belief, educational experiences including people who attended schools outside of the UK, those with experience of the care system and eligibility for free school meals. Our board includes people who have experience of Imperial as parents, through our Parent Governors. We benefit from having a number of Governors that live or work in the community local to school and those that live further afield, who all bring important insight and knowledge to share.
We recognise that there are areas of lived experience that are not represented in our current Board composition, and welcome feedback from stakeholder’s representative of these groups to help further improve the inclusivity of our work.
Publication of Register of Interests on Website
From 1st September 2015 governing bodies will be under a duty to publish on their website their register of interests. The register should set out the relevant business interests of every governor and details of any other educational establishments they govern.
Publication of Governor’s Details – Imperial Avenue Infants as of August 2024
Name of Governor | Category of Governor | Appointing body | Term of office | Committees served on | Position of responsibility | Voting rights | Register of Interest |
Miss Emma Harrop | Co-opted | Governing Body | 10.06.23 - 09.06.27 | Resources sub-committee
Performance & Standards Sub-committee | Chair of Governors
Chair of Resources & Performance and Standards Sub-committee | Full | Governor & Chair of Governors at Parks Primary School |
Mrs Kerry Thorpe | Co-opted | Governing Body | 21.11.24 - 20.11.28 | Performance & Standards Sub-committee | Full | ||
Miss Elizabeth Smith | Headteacher | N/A | 24.04.17 onwards | Resources Sub-committee
Performance & Standards Sub-committee | Full | Co-opted Governor at Badgerbrook Primary School | |
Mrs Carol Cownley | Authority | Governing Body | 20.06.2024 - 19.06.2028 | Performance & Standards Sub-committee | Full | ||
Revd Jennifer Ridge | Co-opted | Governing Body | 06.06.2022 – 05.06.2026 | Resources Sub-committee | Vice Chair of Governors | Full | Curate at Holy Apostles Church |
Mr Ashley Watts | Parent | Parent election | 07.09.2021 - 06.09.2025 |
| Full | Parent Governor at Folville Junior School | |
Mr Barun Bhandari | Parent | Parent election | 04.10.2023 - 03.10.2027 |
| Full | None | |
Mrs Alison Dye | Co-opted | Governing Body | 16.11.2023 - 15.11.2027 | Full | SENDCO at Red Hill Field Primary School | ||
Miss Hannah Berry | Staff | Staff election | 25.04.2024 - 24.04.2028 | ||||
| Parent |
Financial Reporting Requirements
Please find attached a link to our schools financial benchmarking service website page
The Structure and responsibilities of the Sub-committees
Resource Management Sub-committee
• Finance
–Finance policy
–Awarding of contracts
• Personnel
–Staffing establishment
–Staff structure
-Management of change and staff issues
–Pay policy
• Premises
–Setting priorities
–Analysis of site officer’s reports & advice
–Cleaning & grounds maintenance
–Cost arrangements
• HS&E
–Health & Safety regulations
–Site safety inspection
–HS&E audit response
Performance & Standards Sub-committee
• School Improvement & Development
–School improvement plan
–OFSTED inspection review
–School self-review
–Compliance with the Equality Duty
• Curriculum. Teaching & Learning
–School effectiveness
–Curriculum implementation
–Welfare & wellbeing
• Special Attention Groups
–Children looked after
–New arrivals
• Behaviour & Safety
–Child protection
–Safeguarding arrangements
–Complaints procedure
–Admissions & the Home school agreement
If you have any concerns, these can usually be dealt with quickly and sensitively by approaching your child’s teacher or the head teacher. If you feel that governors need to be aware of any issues, they can be contacted through the school. You can write a letter outlining your concerns, addressing it to the Chair of Governors. Alternatively, you can write to the Clerk of the Governing Body, c/o Imperial Avenue Infant School. If necessary, your concerns may be shared with the appropriate people or agencies and you will receive an acknowledgement and a reply.