How is our Imperial PE Curriculum developed?
PE at Imperial is carefully planned and refined using the ‘Complete PE’ scheme to ensure knowledge is accurate and meaningful supporting the children with their physical literacy. As a school we further tailor our curriculum to suit the cohort of children each academic year to ensure the learning is purposeful and engaging. To learn more about our curriculum please look at the RE overview below which breaks down what is taught in each term, children will learn this information within their weekly PE session.
What pupils at Imperial say about PE?
“We get to warm up and practise dribbling the balls” Mindaugas (Year 2)
“What I like is that we have a lot of fun things to do like the spring boards and catching” Lexi (Year 2)
“I like all of the jumping” Ivy (Year 1)
“I love when we do running and jumping” Izaak (Year 1)