Imperial Avenue Infant School

Imperial Avenue Infant School

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School Meals & School Milk

The government has set out strict guidelines that all councils must now follow when preparing food for children. LTS Catering follows these guidelines strictly and by doing so provides city children with a healthy tasty meal each school day.  Every maintained school in Leicester provides a free school meal for pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2. This follows a recommendation in the school food plan which aims to increase the number of children reaching good food in schools which will have a positive impact on children.


Our 3 week primary menu has an excellent variety of traditional favourites and new dishes. This is available to view on the link below.  While we have some of the more favourite dishes like curry and pizza we are also looking to introduce some new dishes for pupils to try.  A healthy and tasty vegetarian and vegan option is also available on a daily basis.


LTS Catering do not knowingly use any nut products or products derived from nuts in our kitchens. However we cannot guarantee that our food is free from nut products. If your child does suffer from a nut allergy please inform the school immediately.  If your child is a vegan we can also cater for their dietary needs.  Please contact the school office for further information.


The menus comply with the school food standards 2015 and contain allergen information. If your child is allergic to eggs/wheat/dairy products they can still stay for a school dinner as our vegan option would be suitable.  If you child has a medical condition that warrants a special menu then please contact the school or click below to download a Parent Information letter and Medical Diet Request Form.   We can then arrange for an appropriate menu for your child.  If your child has an medical condition but you do not require your child to receive a special diet menu, please complete a Disclaimer Form – click below to download the form.  For more information contact LTS Catering on 0116 3055 770.

Our School Milk Scheme


From the age of 5, and unless you receive free school meals, your child will no longer be entitled to a portion of milk each day. 


To enable all children to receive milk we operate a paid school milk scheme through Cool Milk for those children who do not receive school meals.  Currently the cost of a portion of milk a day is 31p from the 1st September 2024.


If you would like your child to benefit from a portion of milk per day please use the following link.  This will take you to the Cool Milk website where you can register and pay for this.  Please note that to receive milk at the start of a school week you must have registered and paid by noon on the Tuesday of the previous week.


Cool Milk - the UK's leading school and nursery milk supplier - click here to register
