Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others. Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.
If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:
Below is our E-Safety charter. We use this in school to remind the children of how to keep themselves safe on the internet.
Our E-Safety Charter
Helpful links to look at with your family
Tips for children staying safe:
- You should only talk to people online who you know in real life. If somebody who you don’t know tries to be your friend then you must tell a grown-up straight away.
- You should never share personal details online. These can include your name, age and date of birth, address, the school you attend and your passwords.
- If you see something online that makes you feel sad or worried, you must tell a grown up right away and they can help you.
- Be kind online. Talk to people just like how you would in real life. Using the internet does not give you the excuse to be unkind to anybody.
- Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it.
Tips for parents:
- nsure that you know what your child is watching/playing on. Set up parental controls so that children can only access things that are age appropriate.
- Please check age restrictions before allowing your child to play a games/ watch a programme. It is your duty to ensure that your child is not being exposed to content that is not age appropriate.
- Being exposed to content that is unsuitable can cause harm to your child. It is your responsibility to keep your child safe when using the internet at home.
- Ensure you have limitations on how much screen time your children are getting. Screens should not get in the way of face to face interactions, bedtimes etc.
- Teach your children that they must tell a grown-up if they see anything worrying. You could also show them how to report something using the CEOP’s button.
- Remind children that the internet is brilliant but not everything they see or hear is real or kind.
- Know how to use the CEOP Button and how to report it to the CEOP Centre if you are concerned about someone’s online behaviour towards you.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding E-Safety, please ask a member of school staff and they would be more than happy to help and support you.