Imperial Avenue Infant School

Imperial Avenue Infant School

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How is our Imperial History Curriculum developed?

We take guidance from the National Curriculum when planning our History curriculum at Imperial whilst also carefully planning lessons with our cohort of children in mind. We want children at Imperial to be pro-active learners and so in their History lessons children are encouraged to ask questions and discuss events they are learning about. Trips are planned where appropriate to allow children to engage with their learning as much as possible.

To learn more about our curriculum please look at the History overview below which breaks down what is taught in each term, children will learn this information within their weekly History lesson.


What do Pupil’s say about History at Imperial?

‘I liked being able to play with old toys.’ – Reception child.

‘I loved singing about the Great Fire of London. I researched it at home.’ – Gideon -Year 1

‘We got to visit a battlefield and learnt about what happened.’ – Royal - Year 2 child

History Termly Overview
